Thursday, November 24, 2016

Project Proposal

We're going to take care of dogs and cats. We want to get people to help to give a shower! We're going to get everyone in our class to bring toils and soap. We're also going to make posters and flyers, and put them up around the school.

Walking tour of Guarapuava

Start tour walking tour at Lago, because it's a calm place. Then visit the Museum next to Catedral Church.This Museum has a great war artefacts collection. After you van visita Catedral, in front of the museum. This Church has beautiful mosaics. And to finish the tour, you van go to 19th December Park. There are trees and a lot of nature!

Monday, November 21, 2016

funny history

I was going to my house when I put my cell phone fast on the car seat and he started to vibrate. When I arrived at my house and look to the gallery... Have funny and stranger photos: I accidentally tripped the danger button and they started to take pictures of everything!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

My next vacation

On my next vacation I want  to go to the beach,
Sleep a lot,
Eat 7 ice creams,
Sing a lot and
Be happy!

Selena Gomes was...

Selena Gomez was taking pictures when she saw a blue bird

I'm at CCBEU... How can I get to Chiquinho Sorvetes?

You turn left,
You go straight down until you see Sonho de Noiva,
Turn left in other turn and...
You arrive!