Wednesday, August 23, 2017


On My first perspectives, I was a Rockstar. But it was very sad, because I don't win.
On My second perspectives, I was a Superwoman who read the minds. But it was very bad too, 'cause I don't win.
But on my third Perspectives, I believe this year we go win😊

Interesting FAMILY

My family is very lovely. They protect me with their lifes. I love them, and I want to stauy with they a lot of time.❤

Interesting ME

I started on CCBEU on 2010, on Kids 1. My first day of classes it was really bad, because I don't have friends. But teacher Larissa, helps me to learn.
 On 2016, my school friend Ana Julia,comes to do CCBEU with me. On 2017, I found 2 best friends, called Duda and ClΓ‘udia. They like to be funny. I love bolth πŸ’˜

My bucket list

πŸ’œ On my lifetime I want to:

πŸ’› Fly by Airplane
πŸ’š Eat Gramado's chocolat
πŸ’™ Travel abroad with my family
πŸ’— Dance in a big Theatre
❤ Run with a flying car
πŸ’§ Sing on a Church
πŸ’¨ Be a famous writer

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Important people of History

Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882) was an English Natural scientist who laid down a framework for the theory of evolution – showing how Man evolved from lower life forms. His theory of evolution and natural selection later became accepted within the scientific community.
At the time, religion was a powerful force in society, and most people took the Bible as the infallible, literal word of God. This included the belief that God created the world in seven days, and the world was only a few thousand years old.  In particular Lyell’s ‘Principles of Geology’ suggested that fossils were evidence of animals living hundreds of thousands of years ago.
Resultado de imagem para Evolution

I don't believe in this theory, but it has a big importance on the cience and the history of the world.

Some questions and answers

1. When did you start school life?
❤I started my school life at 8 years ago, when I was four.❤

2. How long ago was Brazil last champion in a world cup?
❤It was on 2002, fifteen years ago❤

3. When did your parents first meet?
❤In 23 years ago❤

4. When your first pet come to your house?
❤At 5 years ago, on 2012❤

5. What was your first pet's name?
❤Her name was ( and it's ) Jelly ❤