Wednesday, March 8, 2017

i like vs i don't like

I like:
Resultado de imagem para pop music pictures

I like pop music because it's nice and fun. I listen pop music when i did'nt  have nothing to do or when i'm happy. My favorite pop music its shape of you by ed sheran. But, i love calm music too when i am doing ballet.

Resultado de imagem para ballet picture

I like ballet because its sweet and good for my health. I love to dance. My first ballet class I do when i has three years old. i'm the only in  y family who dance, but it is very good, because I love to do new things.

I hate...

Resultado de imagem para funk
I hate funk because it's boring and bad. in my school, me and my best friends did'nt like funk too. But, at the same time i hate funk i love the other tipe and stilish of music, for example classic musics, because they're perfect to my favorite sport.

Resultado de imagem para soccer

I did'nt like soccer because it's boring and a lot of noise. My favorite sport is dogball, because it's fun, nice and exciting. I practice dogball as 3 years. But, i don't like the other sports for example volleyball or basketball, but i don't hate, i just don't love.

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